[ Synopsis ]
- No body
- No spine
- No typical articular facet
- Ring-shaped bone
- ȯÃß ( ü»õÐ )
[ Nomina ]
- Ant.arch
- ant.surf.
- post.surf.
- upper border
- lower border
- Post.arch
- ant.surf.: ant.tuberc.
- post.surf.: facet for dens
- sup.surf.
- inf.surf.
- Lat.mass
- sup.surf.
i )sup.articular facet
ii)tuberc.for vertebral a.
- inf.surf.: inf.articular facet
- ant.surf.: small swelling (rib element)
- medially: tuberc.for transv.lig. of atlas
- lat.aspect
i )transv.foramen
ii)bar of bone
iii)rounded end
- Vertebral foramen