skull Base [ Sup. View 2/2 ]

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[ Three Cranial Fossa ]

I. Ant. Cranial Fossa

  1. Boundary
    1. Ant. - Frontal b.
    2. Post. - Lesser wing of Sphenoid bone
    3. Median - Cribriform plate of Ethmoid bone
    4. Floor - Orbital parts of the Frontal bone

II. Middle Cranial Fossa

  1. Boundary
    1. Ant. - Lesser wing of Sphenoid bone
    2. Post. - Petrous part of Temporal bone
    3. Med. - Lesser wing od Sphenoid bone
    4. Lat. - Greater wing od Sphenoid bone

III. Post. Cranial Fossa

  1. Boundary
    1. Ant. Wall - Body of Sphenoid bone, Basilar part of Occipital bone
    2. Anterolat. Wall - Petrous part of Temporal bone
    3. Side - Mastoid angle of Parietal bone
    4. Floor & Post. Wall - Occipital bone


skull Base ( Whole Image )